Please use our "REQUEST FORM" to request a photo booth and we will email a detailed proposal and quote to you as soon as possible.

After The Event

Do we have access to the photos after the event?

Yes! Soon after the event, we will share with you a unique link to all of your photo booth images.

Can I tag Uniquee Booths in social media posts?

  • Yes! Feel free to tag @UniqueeBooths in any of your social media posts.

How may my guests and I use the photos taken by Uniquee Booths at an event?

Uniquee Booths grants its clients and their guests a personal-use license, which allows them to:

  • Download and copy the images taken at the event to their personal devices.
  • Display the images on personal websites and computers.
  • Make print copies of digital images.

However, clients and their guests are subject to the following restrictions:

  • The images may not be used in any way in which a client or their guests charge money, collect fees, or receive any other form of remuneration.
  • The images may not be resold, re-licensed, or sub-licensed.
  • The images may not be used in a logo, corporate identity, trademark, or service mark.

I am a business that hired Uniquee Booths for a corporate event; how may I use the images taken by Uniquee Booths?

Uniquee Booths grants a limited commercial-use license which allows for businesses to display the images on their corporate websites and computers and use the images in advertising. However, businesses are subject to the same restrictions as the personal use license:

  • The images may not be used in any way in which a client or their guests charge money, collect fees, or receive any other form of remuneration.
  • The images may not be resold, re-licensed, or sub-licensed.
  • The images may not be used in a logo, corporate identity, trademark, or service mark.


We'd Love To Hear From You

We're happy to see you here! Let us know what we can do to make your event unique.